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Learn How to Use RealFlow Plugin for 3ds Max 2013 with These Tutorials and Tips

How to Download and Use Realflow Plugin for 3ds Max 2013

Do you want to create realistic fluid and multiphysics simulations in your 3D projects? If so, you should try the Realflow plugin for 3ds Max 2013. This plugin is a powerful tool that allows you to simulate anything from a single drop of water to a massive tsunami crashing across a beach, sweeping debris in its wake.

realflow plugin for 3ds max 2013 free download

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Realflow has been used to produce some of the most ground-breaking visual effects ever seen, in movies like Avatar, District 9, 2012, GI Joe, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, as well as commercials, TV programs, and game cinematics.

In this article, we will show you how to download and use the Realflow plugin for 3ds Max 2013. We will also give you some tips and tricks to make your simulations look amazing.

How to Download the Realflow Plugin for 3ds Max 2013

The first step is to download the Realflow plugin for 3ds Max 2013 from the official website of Realflow. You can find it here:

You will need to register and create an account to access the download link. Once you have downloaded the plugin, you can install it by following the instructions on the website.

The plugin will automatically integrate with 3ds Max 2013, and you will be able to access it from the Create panel under Geometry > RealFlow.

How to Use the Realflow Plugin for 3ds Max 2013

The Realflow plugin for 3ds Max 2013 lets you leverage your RFConnect knowledge without needing it anymore. It doesnt stop there, you can turn objects straightaway into obstacles and emitters, render complex meshes or create particles from shapes.

The plugin has two main types of fluids: particle-based fluids and grid-based fluids. Particle-based fluids are more suitable for small-medium scale simulations, such as splashes, fountains, or raindrops. Grid-based fluids are more suitable for medium-large scale simulations, such as oceans, rivers, or floods.

To create a particle-based fluid simulation, you need to create a RealFlow Emitter object from the Create panel. You can choose from different types of emitters, such as circle, sphere, spline, or object. You can also adjust the parameters of the emitter, such as speed, variation, resolution, or randomness.

To create a grid-based fluid simulation, you need to create a RealFlow Domain object from the Create panel. The domain defines the boundaries of the simulation and the resolution of the grid. You can also add different types of daemons to the domain, such as gravity, attraction, or wind. Daemons are forces that affect the behavior of the fluid.

To make objects interact with the fluid simulation, you need to create a RealFlow Collider object from the Create panel. You can use any object type as a collider, such as geometry, spline, or text. You can also adjust the physical properties of the collider, such as friction, stickiness, or bounciness.

Once you have set up your scene with emitters, domains, daemons, and colliders, you can start the simulation by clicking on the Simulate button on the toolbar. You can also pause, resume, or reset the simulation at any time.

How to Render and Export your Fluid Simulation

To render and export your fluid simulation from the Realflow plugin for 3ds Max 2013, you need to use the RealFlow Mesher object from the Create panel. The mesher converts your fluid particles or grid into a smooth mesh that can be rendered with any renderer.

You can adjust the parameters of the mesher, such as filter size, polygon size, or smoothing level. You can also add different effects to your mesh, such as foam, splash, or mist.

To export your mesh to other formats or applications, you need to use the Export button on the toolbar. You can choose from different formats, such as OBJ, BIN, or SD.


The Realflow plugin for 3ds Max 2013 is a powerful yet easy-to-use tool that enables you to create amazing fluid and multiphysics simulations in your 3D projects. Whether you want to create realistic water effects or abstract shapes with fluids, you can do it with Realflow.

If you want to learn more about how to use Realflow plugin for 3ds Max 2013, you can check out their official website, where you can find tutorials, videos, forums, and support. 4e3182286b


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